Tuesday, March 8, 2011


March 9 and 10 may leave you feeling like a child on a sugar high as you bounce off the walls and leave people wondering what's gotten into you. But all the while, you'll be having lots of fun!

March 9 will begin with zippy, talkative Mercury skipping up to Uranus, the planet of sudden inspiration. You'll feel hyper-energized, with a fountain of ideas pouring into -- and out of -- your head. With absent-minded Uranus in the game, you'll forget things as quickly as they come to you, so be sure to have a notepad handy for jotting down ideas! Slowing down, noticing details and offering time for feedback will prove difficult right now; you'll become bored easily, and hiding this could be tough.
Also on March 9, Mercury will move into in-your-face Aries, where it will remain until May 15. And particularly on the first day of this placement, you'll be tempted to spout your opinions strongly!
Fortunately, the stars don't want you to burn any bridges. After you've had your fun telling the world how you feel about almost everything, Venus and Jupiter will pair up on March 10. This combo offers just the right amount of friendliness and charm to smooth over any feathers that had been ruffled the previous day. Indeed, these two planets work hard to avoid all things unpleasant, so now you'll be able to put your worries aside and enjoy a couple days of upbeat fun!

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