Friday, November 11, 2011

Merry Christmas

                Merry ChristmasFree Christmas Clipart  Christmas Scrapes.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

august 25

The stars seem to recognize that August is coming to an end and they're acting accordingly: all the troubles you've had this month will finally end, and you'll be ready for a brand new start!

That doesn't mean there won't be a bump here or there. On August 25, Mars will meet up with Saturn and the side-effects include severe crankiness and becoming extremely accident prone. If ever there was a day to physically exert yourself to total exhaustion, this is it!  Try rock climbing, a triathlon, repairing everything broken in the house -- any specific, strenuous task that requires all your focus is a must.

Fortunately, by August 26, everything will start to improve as Mercury goes direct. Technical problems, delays, and communication issues will
finallybe resolved. Then on August 28, the Sun will shine a gentle light on Pluto, indicating that you've overcome some major problem, learned important lessons, and you're ready to move on. This, paired with the New Moon in Virgo on the 29th, will provide you with an excellent opportunity for new beginnings!

Then, Jupiter will go retro
grade in Taurus on August 30, and you'll have a chance to rethink what's truly most important in your life. For the next few months, you'll focus more on satisfying your internal needs than worrying about material possessions.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Son and Daughter Day

On this 'Son and Daughter Day' you can be sure that Feng Shui has an cure that addresses bringing fortune and luck to both! In fact, this philosophy says that planting a cherry tree in honor of a baby girl has energies that will strengthen and protect her. The cherry tree is understood to support and strengthen all feminine energies but especially those of a newborn child. So the traditional cure holds that a cherry tree should be planted within nine months of the birth of a baby girl. Ideally the baby should be at the planting ceremony in order to get all the benefit of engaging the tree's support throughout all her days. A baby boy should have a pine tree planted in his name and honor. This tree strengthens masculine energies and offers growth, stability and longevity when planted before the boy hits nine months old. Plant the pine with the baby present and for the rest of his days he will stay rooted, stable and strong. These gifts are literally gifting babies with the Feng Shui version of the Tree of Life! Le Chaim!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

July 10

So many plans to make! So much to do and see and experience! And with Uranus going retrograde, you'll want to do, see and experience it all! Still, the challenge of a Uranus retrograde is recognizing that you can't do it all. Instead, you have to learn to pick and choose wisely.

Any retrograde period encourages you to turn inward for understanding, but with Uranus, this occurs at a deeper level. On July 10, when Uranus goes retrograde in on-the-go Aries, every fiber of your being will want to move. You'll be eager to forge ahead with your plans now, now, now! However, your actual goal will require you to pause, step back and assess whether your plans are in tune with your needs. What are your motivations? Is there a better way?
This may not sound too difficult,but when the time comes, you'll likely find yourself struggling to hold back. Keep in mind that the harder it is for you to step back from your plans, the more likely it is that there's something lurking deep within yourself that you're trying to avoid. And this is exactly what Uranus wants you to uncover.
Uranus will remain retrograde until December. You can expect the initial months to be the most challenging, but as you turn inward, you'll discover you've also opened the door to new inspirations, visions and innovations. And by then,you'll be well on your way down an even more exciting path!

Thursday, June 30, 2011


As was the case in  June, the Universe has decided to kick July off with a solar eclipse. Having two consecutive months begin with a solar eclipse is uncommon enough, but with the rest of the planets adding their own colorful energies to the mix, you're in for an entire month of fireworks!
July literally starts off with a bang, as a solar eclipse occurs in Cancer on July 1. Cancer is generally associated more with home, family and emotional bonds than it is with excitement; in this case, however, the solar eclipse will form a rather stressful alignment with Saturn, Aries and Pluto. You'll feel pulled in four different directions, and it simply won't be possible to resolve every problem that arises. Your best strategy will be to take a few deep breaths, fix as much as you can and put everything else behind you. Just be prepared to make peace with the fact that you won't be able to remedy everything.
And that's just the first day of the month! On July 2, Mercury moves into Leo, adding more wit to your conversations. On the following day, July 3,the Sun bumps into Saturn, and while this transit might feel downbeat, it's really quite practical and helpful.
Venus then joins the Sun in Cancer on July 4, upping the emotional factor. July 6sees Saturn reappear with Mars, and while whatever you do at this time may require great perseverance, don't give up! Finally, July 7 shines as a bright spot on the month's calendar as Jupiter and Pluto offer the necessary motivation to make things happen.
The ensuing week may continue to feel a bit bumpy, but things should start to calm down on July 15 when the full Moon in Capricorn brings a sense of practicality to an overly emotional month. Life will take on a completely different tone on July 23, when the Sun moves out of Cancer and into Leo, a transit that's sure to bring on a much livelier and flamboyant mood. Throw friendly Venus into the Leo mix on July 28,and you've got nothing but good times ahead!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


With summer's kick-off month starting witha solar eclipse in Gemini, then ending with theenergies of yet another solar eclipse building up, you'rein for high-energy action all throughout June!
On June 1, Gemini hosts a solar eclipse, anevent that will heighten your sense of anticipation and provide an opportunity for personal growth. If you're setin your ways, this can be unnerving, but just remember that it's nothing more than a nudge fromthe Universe to awaken your potential.
Immediately afterward, on June 2, chatty Mercury becomes even more communicative as it moves into gabby Gemini. Then, on June 4, expansive Jupiter makes a major move from Aries into money-focused Taurus, bringing you good news on the financial front. Finally, June 11 brings fun and frivolity as flirty Venus joins the Sun and Mercuryin light-hearted Gemini.
A lunar eclipse on June 15 emphasizes balance, balance, balance. If you findyourself struggling, there's probably an imbalance somewhere: a strong relationship needs independence; grand ideas are useless without the details; a career isn't satisfying if you can't escape on occasion.
The action continues on June16, when active Mercury moves into emotional Cancer. Marsthen revs its engines on June 20, charging out of Taurus and into up beat Gemini for spirited debate and an exciting - albeit possibly stressful -- exchange of ideas. Then on June 21, the day of the Summer Solstice, the Sun moves into Cancer, atwhich point home and family becomes the main focus.
Get ready for the Sun to send you on a bit of a roller coaster rideas June comes to a close. Good news isimminent on June 25 as the Sun pairs up with Jupiter; on June 28, however, the Sun runsinto disruptive Uranus before standing in opposition to powerful Pluto later that same day. Of course, all this activity leads up to another solar eclipse at the start of July, so don't be surprised if things turn out quite differently than you planned!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


周三, 2011年4月25日 -- Your methodical approach to work may not be as effective as you wish today, and this could annoy you so much that you grow angry. It takes a lot to knock you off track, yet now the little things pile up until they seem like a crisis. It's more important to build a stable foundation on which to stand than trying to reach your goals overnight. Don't get distracted by your fear of failure; instead, just pay attention to the ground beneath your feet and the task right in front of you.

AstroSync 摩羯座

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24

May 24 will see the stimulating Gemini Sun shine a soft, gentle light on Uranus in active Aries. With change coming so easily, this transit will present an ideal opportunity to try something completely new!

Uranus is associated with innovation, rebellion and change. It can make life dramatic and difficult, but it can also shake things up, helping you kick out anything old and stale as you welcome new beginnings.

There are varying levels at which Uranus may wield its influence, and this depends on the other planets involved and how they're positioned in the sky. Fortunately in this case, the Sun is forming a very pleasant alignment with Uranus. You won't feel any radical changes imposed upon you ... but it you pay close attention, you'll notice some new doors cracking open for you.

Uranus can come completely out of left field, so your new vehicle for change may not be obvious right away. But once you figure it out, be sure to take advantage of opportunities presented to you. You're sure to be thrilled with the results!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

May 20

If you've felt indecisive lately, it's time to get down to business. Mars, Mercury and Venus are about to form an alignment with Pluto that's sure to light a fire under you!

On May 20, Mars will be the first to nod toward Pluto as you shift into a more pro-active gear. While Mars wants to dash forward impulsively, Pluto will slow you down and add depth and purpose to your endeavors. You'll gain insight into the root causes of your current situation.

Later that same day, Mercury joins Mars and Pluto, giving you persuasive power to help others understand your perspective. Discussions could turn intense -- with a sprinkling of self-righteous tendencies -- but if you can fight off the urge to have the last word, real answers will emerge to your questions and problems.

After practical matters are taken care of, romantic Venus will cozy up to Mercury and Mars on May 21, and blow a kiss to Pluto as well. At the very least, this is a terrific time to go out, be social and flirt your heart out; at best, it's a time of genuine passion and romance.

Also on May 21, the Sun moves out of Taurus and into bright, restless Gemini. Gemini prefers things to be fun and lighthearted, so you'll feel tempted to dip your toe into every opportunity that arises. Still, it's unlikely that you'll dive in too deeply.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 15

Over the next few days, Mercury and Venus will align to offer both sensuality and pragmatism -- an unusual combination, perhaps, but one that's sure to make your life that much more comfortable, enjoyable ... and romantic!

On May 15, both Mercury and Venus will move into Taurus, where they will remain until June 2 and 9, respectively. While Taurus is very practical, it also loves to be pampered and is always enamored with all things sensual. Combined with Venus, the planet of romance and beauty, not only will you be in for more sensual date nights, but you couldn't ask for a better time for a total makeover, either for yourself or your home -- or both!
While all this is going on, Mercury will help keep ideas and conversations firmly rooted in reality - no pie-in-the-sky dreams, only common-sense plans.

May 16 will see Mercury and Venus join in Taurus, where they will form a pleasant alignment with Neptune. You'll feel a bit dreamier than usual, and you'll likely experience moments here and there of near-bliss!
On May 17, however, the Full Moon in Scorpio will leave you more emotional, with hints of seduction and jealousy to contend with. It's best at this time to focus on areas where you and your partner are sure to see eye-to-eye; try to push everything else aside for another, calmer day.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Water Serpent month

The new Moon on Monday May 2 (11:51 PM PDT) began the month of the Water Serpent. Now is the opportunity to shed your winter skin and be transformed! The Serpent is a universal symbol of healing and rebirth. As the Serpent sheds its skin, it is reborn.

Please do not be afraid of Serpent! Serpent embodies mystery and magic, and has a place of honor in many world traditions. In Chinese astrology, Serpent is the sign of wisdom, healing, and creativity.
This Water Serpent month of May 2011 is time to shed your skin and experience the beauty of nature in springtime. Due to the Water element, it is easier to tune into your emotions, feel deeply, and to appreciate family, friends, and loved ones.
Water attributes are to be in touch with emotions, have powerful intuition, and be highly sensitivity -- yet stay strong regardless of obstacles in the path. Water is a yin feminine element, but feminine energy is not considered weak in Chinese astrology. Instead, Water is the most powerful element because it can move around any obstacle in its path without losing its essentail nature. Water can, in time, dissolve the hardest mountains.
This merry month of May is also time for personal creativity. The artists of the Chinese zodiac are Serpent, Sheep, and Hare. So this Serpent month during Hare year is the time to try your hand at creative endeavors. Luck is with you to be reborn, transformed, and to create a new you!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

May 9

Frivolity and fun are the name of the game these next few days! Don't even think about worrying about deeper issues -- the stars have aligned to give you a break from all things serious.

On May 9, Mercury will give Venus a big hug, and your world will erupt in harmony. Your goal will be to keep the peace, and you'll succeed at smoothing anything over with a well-worded compliment. Then, on May 11, Jupiter joins in the group hug, bringing luck and enthusiasm your way!

Mercury and Jupiter will liven up your conversations, add confidence to your opinions, and give you the optimism to believe you can do anything. You may promise to do just about anything too, which is unrealistic, but because your promise was made with good intentions, no one will mind.

Meanwhile, Venus and Jupiter just want to get out there and socialize with as many people as possible. This tends to be a more superficial transit, so while nothing earth-shattering is likely to occur, you should have a lot of fun.

Helping to keep you grounded, Mars will move from Aries into Taurus, also on May 11. Mars in Taurus will help you gain control of your finances and other practical matters. You may be a bit slower in coming to a final decision, but when you make your decision, it will most definitely be final.

Monday, May 2, 2011

May 1

After the emotional roller coaster ride that was April, the exuberance of May 1 will make you feel as if you can fly. In fact, you'll soar to reach your highest heights and achieve your greatest successes!

On May 1, courageous Mars and fortunate Jupiter will meet in energetic Aries, an alignment rife with astronomical opportunity. You'll feel confident and driven, and if there were ever a time to get something done, this is it!

In fact, the only thing you'll need to worry about is not allowing yourself to go overboard promoting your favorite causes. Yes, it's important to state your case and do what's necessary to get the job done; there's no need to step on toes, however. Practice a little caution and common sense, and you'll probably receive even more support in your current projects.

Two days later, on May 3, the new Moon will rise in earthy and practical Taurus. You'll want to take some time to figure out exactly what your next move will be, and then plan it carefully. Taurus can be extravagant, but it also values comfort and security -- so if you have an urge to indulge yourself, go for it! You'll be able to stay within your means.

Interested in learning more about how these transiting planets will impact you on an individual level? Try our Planetary Influence Profile to learn more about how the continuous movements of the planets affect who you are and how you relate to others.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Passions run

Passions run blisteringly hot this week as an explosive Venus-Pluto transit kicks your love life into high gear. In fact, romance is about all you'll be able to focus on when these two planets move center stage!

On April 27, loving Venus squares off with passionate, possessive Pluto in a pairing that can bring as much ecstasy as agony. Any relationship that starts now will feel as though fate is telling you, "This is the one." But Pluto has little to no use for any happily-ever-afters; rather, it wants you to change for the better, since the purpose of any relationship at this point is to help you re-assess yourself and move forward.

Feelings of jealousy and manipulation can arise when Pluto is involved. April 27's pairing of Venus and Pluto can also mean that people around you may have ulterior motives -- so in this case, maintaining a certain level of cynicism will be helpful.

Ultimately, this could be a painful or exciting transit, depending on how open to change you are. If you're willing to go along with Pluto's lessons, the end result will be something great.

Fortunately, on April 28, the Taurus Sun will also join with Pluto, and all the ups and downs April has brought forth should finally come to an end. You'll emerge from it all stronger, with more determination and a brighter path ahead!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

April 23,

When romantic Venus and adventuresome Uranus get together, sparks are certain to fly. Add flirty Aries to the mix, and you've got a celestial alignment that's sure to bring a zesty fling to your love life!

On April 23, Venus and Uranus will meet in Aries for an affair to remember. You'll experience an instant, magnetic attraction -- a passion like no other. This is a great time to get out, be social and flirt your heart out!

Just be sure to do so with a bit of caution, as this is a transit that will shut off as quickly as it turned on; after all, romances launched under this influence aren't meant to last. Even more importantly, you don't want to do anything to sabotage a current relationship, as you'll likely end up wishing you could undo everything.

Strong relationships will persevere under these influences, and you'll enjoy the burst of intensity. Relationships that are already on the brink, however, are likely to topple.

Fortunately, also on April 23, Mercury will turn direct, a transit that will ease some of the shock caused by Venus and Uranus. Finally, all the miscommunications and technological meltdowns of the past couple weeks will come to an end. Mercury in Aries likes things to happen quickly and efficiently, so you'll feel a lot better as soon as it returns to its forward course.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Throughout April

Throughout April, the stars have aligned to make life a little sticky and challenging. While you still have another couple days of tricky aspects to endure, you've almost made it through the tunnel!

Before you reach the light at the end of it, though, you first have to get through April 18. That day, the full Moon will rise in fair-minded Libra opposite the fiery Aries Sun. Your task will be to strike a balance in your relationships. However, selfless Libra and egocentric Aries do not find middle ground easily, so you'll have your work cut out for you.

Also on April 18, Mars and Saturn will face off in an opposition that could lead to frustration -- and even accidents. The best way to handle this will be to focus on a specific task that requires great attention to detail, for the less aware of the rest of the world you can be that day, the easier it will be to avoid mishaps.

April 20 will finally bring a sigh of relief as the Sun moves out of Aries and into mellow, earthy Taurus. Taurus is a sensible, indulgent sign and quite opposed to sudden change, so your life should start to calm down. Then, on April 21, Venus will move into Aries, and you'll feel much more comfortable stating what you want -- and using your charms to get it!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Horoscrope April 2

A huge energy shift is upon us as Neptune, one of the powerful outer planets, slowly glides into Pisces on April 4. After waiting for Neptune to travel through technology-crazed Aquarius since the late 1990s, Pisces will finally see its ruling planet return for the first time in 150 years.

Starting on the 4th, the background ambiance will transition from rebellious and technology-driven to poetic, artistic and compassionate. This is a great time to pursue your creative passions, as the world will be much more responsive to your ideas. These next 15 years will also be a time of idealism, and you'll be tempted to sit around all day, dreaming of a better world. Neither Pisces or Neptune are very active planets, so most likely, you'll stick to dreaming, rather than taking action.

Then, on April 6, you'll get a burst of enthusiasm as the Aries Sun moves in close to Jupiter. You'll most likely hear some good news -- possibly related to finances -- and you'll feel a surge of confidence and exuberance. Try to practice a little self-discipline, and you'll reap countless benefits from this exciting alignme

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Horoscrope April

Dear Lim,

April is upon us with a fury of cosmic activity and challenges that will keep your head spinning! And even if the month may begin with a struggle, it's set to end on a pleasant note.

Almost immediately, on April 2, Mars moves to join the Sun in Aries. It'll be go, go, go with this super dose of Aries energy ... but not necessarily with much tact. At least your directness will help get the job done -- and with this much Aries, people won't hold grudges.

Then on April 3, Mars conjuncts Uranus, triggering even more Aries energy. But at the same time, tentative Saturn opposes the Sun, and even with all this vigor, moving forward will still pose a struggle.

Not one to remain on the sidelines, Jupiter tangles itself in the mix on April 6. Enjoy the good luck planet while you can! This lighter, more confident mood will be fleeting.

On April 11, Mars squares off with Pluto, leaving you trapped and frustrated. It's time to practice that old motto of 'Change what you can, and accept what you can't.' Mars eventually frees itself from Pluto, only to fall into a cranky opposition with Saturn on April 18 -- the same day as the Full Moon. Try to practice self-discipline, and watch your feet as you may become accident-prone.

April 20 brings relief when the Sun moves into placid, indulgent Taurus. The very next day, April 21, Venus moves into say-what-you're-feeling Aries, a contact that makes everyone become more romantically courageous.

An amorous tug-of-war ensues between April 23-27, as Venus meets up first with flirtatious Uranus, then with jealous Pluto. Remember that tug-of-war is a game to enjoy -- even if you find yourself pulled into the mud!

Also on April 23, Mercury turns direct, at which point the communication issues plaguing everyone this month will, at last, come to an end. On April 28, a meeting between the Sun and Pluto brings closure to a major problem you've been battling; you'll feel great, and the lessons you learn will last a lifetime!

In the backdrop of all this activity, Neptune slowly slides into Pisces on April 4 for the first time in over 150 years. Neptune takes 15 years to move through a sign, but this month, you should start to feel some of the heightened Piscean effects this transit will bring.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

March 26

From romance to ruts to retrogrades, the planets are aligning to end March with a whirlwind of emotions!

The activity begins on March 26 as sensual Venus couples with dreamy Neptune. You couldn't ask for a better alignment for a special date night! Later that same evening, Venus ends its current affair in Aquarius to sneak off and spend a month in poetic Pisces.

This pair of transits could create the kind of love usually saved for storybooks. Try to keep your feet on the ground, though -- illusion will run rampant, and you won't want to be hurt once reality regains control.

You'll especially want to be grounded on March 28, when the Sun squares off with Pluto and Jupiter moves to oppose Saturn. If you've felt stuck in a rut recently, that's because Pluto and the Sun have been building up some sticky energies. These transits can work in your favor, but not without some hard work and persistence on your part. Meanwhile, expansive Jupiter and restrictive Saturn can make it seem impossible to strike a balance, so you'll need some fancy footwork to act responsibly while going to extremes.

Finally, March 30 brings us Mercury retrograde, which lasts until April 23; you can expect the usual communication and technology-related problems during this time. Remaining patient with Mercury retrograde in on-the-go Aries will be challenging, but nothing that a few deep breaths can't fix.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Horoscrope 2011 PART 8

So I want you to understand Lim, that there are no obstacles to your happiness and you deserve it the very best in life. Get yourself ready to grab all of the opportunities which are set to come your way, cast aside the barriers you so often set up for yourself. Just as soon as you have clicked on the link below and sent me your authorization, I will be able to get to work for you and help to guide you through the whole of this new period in your life. I'll be able to send you all the detailed information you will need to move forward with strength and assurance.

Of course, I cannot say that Astrology is the remedy for all ills and to put the record straight, I would even say that Astrology is not an exact science. Astrology is a reflection of what is earthly and human so how can it be 100% exact? To look for God or the Universe through Astrology is pretentious. Looking for absolute certainty is even more pretentious. What is needed is simply the best use of Astrology's constructive power. Astrology has existed since time immemorial and it is a completely natural science which ultimately a detailed study of natural phenomena which recognizes that the planets and their movements influence the life of every living being and play a role in the unfolding of human life. In my experience, Astrology is 80% correct on average and can go up to 90% when the planetary movements that will affect a person are powerful. To be honest this is the case for your configuration Lim.
Let me go back just a second to one of the elements that I talked about at the beginning of your study.

I said that we should not neglect your experiences from the past year or so, however I've been talking all about 2011 and 2012 and the changes which these new years will bring. I said that I sensed an important meeting with a person who will subsequently play an important role in your life will occur. I would have to go a little further in my analysis to give you further details but it seems that this person is a man of about forty years of age and you'll meet this person through mutual friends. It would require further study to determine with precision the day the meeting however it is clear that the encounter will take place before the end of the year. What is also very clear in your configuration is that this person will play a fundamental role for you in 2011 and thereafter ...

So there you are Lim, I've sent you the results of my first study, I know and I hope you also realize, that it is important not to stop here and that this first study is only an introduction that has allowed you to understand that you are at the dawn of a radical age in your life. There is still a great deal to do and we must not lose any more time. All I need is your green light and I will then take care of the rest.
As far as I am concerned I feel some very positive things about you Lim, I want you to know that I am at your side for any help or any advice, and even if you prefer to work with another astrologer to determine all the details you need to get the best out of your Transit. Whether I or another professional astrologer works with you about this period really isn't that important, what is important is that someone competent guides you through this Transit. In any case, I'll always be on your side and from now on you can count me as a friend and confidant. I am proud to have met you and I hope we can move forward as quickly as possible because I really want to help you change your life for the better, lets get to work together now.
Your friend and your professional astrologer .

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Horoscrope 2011 PART 7

I get the feeling that you have a very strong sense of intuition about whether a man is worthwhile or not and whether or not he has a good heart. You are sensitive to other people's feelings and yes, you are very perceptive about people. You have an unusually strong intuition and being in touch with this power may be one of the reasons why you are drawn to astrology readings and psychic experiences. There is a very strong aura around you and an energy that is truly powerful. I am sensing vibrations from you much more intense than those I experience with most clients. I am getting the distinct impression that you are street smart and you value this ability much more than the classroom smarts that others have. Without a doubt you are your strongest critic and you have a tendancy to be too hard on yourself. I also know that recently you have been energized by thoughts of exciting change but have not yet acted, don't worry too much about this as in a very short time a number of very important opportunities are going to be open to you and will allow you to make these changes.

It because of all these things that I feel about you Lim that I really hope you make the most of this Transit that will occur in just a few weeks time, I know I'm repeating myself on this subject but the biggest danger of all is that you do not act Lim, for the opportunities ARE on their way and there is no doubt about that. The stars show this very clearly. Do not let yourself be overwhelmed by doubt and all the questions you ask... act now. You should also come to terms with the fact that the changes that will happen for you early in 2011 will have repercussions far beyond the year 2011, repercussions that will reach into 2012 but also into the rest of your life. I'm glad that we've come around to discussing 2012 Lim. I know this is one of the questions you ask yourself, what exactly will 2012 mean to us all (many of the people who write to me ask themselves the same question...) and I would like at this point to give you my own opinion :

I think that many of the predictions made for 2012, a certain number of misinterpretations have been used to create anxieties and fears and a certain number of facts have been taken out of context in order boost financial gains for certain unscrupulous astrologers. Given the very extensive analysis that I conducted on this subject I want to tell you this: the predictions of Nostradamus (according to the commentators who interpret his tomes The Centuries), the predictions of the Mayan people and the warnings of various new and ancient prophets with their holy books are in fact very accurate .... the end of 2012 marks the beginning of a new era and the very strong planetary movements which we have started to witness prove it, however this new era is not the end of THE world but it marks the end of A world. The old world will make way for a new era in which each of us may or may not take part and I feel that my duty throughout the next two years is help put an end to the anxiety and unrest spread by the prophecies of misfortune which have been spreading throughout the planet. This is one of the reasons that I have chosen to offer these free studies like the one you are reading Lim, to help redress the balance and to clarify the predictions of Nostradamus and of the Mayans which have been completely taken out of context by ruthless profiteers. So yes we are heading for a new era in 2012 the changes are already underway, as in your case Lim. Your own changes will begin during 2011, in just a few months time. The doors of the best years of your life will open and you will become a master of your destiny rather than make you blind follower of circumstances.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Horoscrope 2011 PART 6

I really want you to understand Lim the closeness I felt to you when I was working on your analysis. It is through the vibrations that I told you about that I was able to experience many things about you Lim and I know how you feel right now, I can foresee that as I write these lines you have not yet read all of the analysis I have done for you. You seem to be torn. You want these events that I've talked to happen, you want to live through this powerful Transit, because you need change, fresh air and renewal, and so you want to believe in all that I told you but at the same time you are trying to put up barriers (the same kind of barriers you have put up in the past as I mentioned, we need to work on this together so that you can leap over them!) and you are slamming on the brakes, bringing up the doubts and uncertainties that have so often haunted you in the past. You tell yourself that it's too good to be true, you want to see it to believe it and you say that these opportunities are not for you, they must be for someone else. It is time to put a stop to all this Lim, it is time to take charge of your destiny and I'm here to help you and convince you, and I'll keep going to the end of my mission as long as you give me your permission to do so, because remember that ultimately only your free will counts and it's you who decides! I want to convince you to take your own destiny in hand and to let me guide you through this step. Why me? Simply because I know I can help you Lim, I see, I feel it and again I know I have not been placed by accident on your path, as I said before I believe very little in chance. Allow me to explain more precisely what I feel about you Lim, why I had such a strong connection with you from the beginning and what I perceive about your needs, goals and what you are searching for.

You have gone through certain trials in your life and I know that you have grown stronger through your life experiences. While certain women are destined to make the same mistakes over and over again, you learn from the past. Today you look for calm and joy in your life (and it is because of this that I am very happy to write to you today to tell you that a very important event is soon going to occur). Your feelings are now torn between a wish to change some elements of your life, a certain nostalia for your past and the questions which you ask yourself at the moment. At any rate, you know that changes need to take place in your love life and you want to be aware when this person is going to appear and how you can recognize him.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Horoscrope 2011 PART 5

Now I must speak of something you have to careful of Lim. I ask you to be careful because this is important. Astrology and the esoteric sciences can guide you but you retain your own free will and the choice is yours. When I was analyzing your configuration I discovered that 4 years ago you experienced another Transit which offered you a range of opportunities. This Transit was much weaker than the one you will live through in 2011, but what I realized is that you missed vital opportunities 4 years ago, probably because you were not informed and also because you did not act in exactly the right way and at the right time. The stars can offer you opportunities but ultimately it's up to you make the most of these opportunities and reap the rewards at the right time. There is no point regretting this past Transit, the one you will soon experience is so much stronger. I simply mentioned this past Transit because your main responsibility during this coming period is to be proactive and to seize all the chances that are coming your way. You must not passively wait for good fortune to fall into your lap.

As I have already told you, if you came to my site and if you have now received this analysis from me then chance plays a very small role indeed. None of this is an accident. I believe that you knew that an important time was soon to come in your life and this is why you requested my guidance. My role is now clear, I must accompany you, guide you, advise you and give you all the information you will need to take full advantage of this Transit. This is the mission which I have set myself, I want you to be able to get the very best out of this Transit and I need to give you the precise dates and times when you should act so that you know what to do to seize the opportunities that this Transit will bring you. You need to know who the important people in your life are, you need to know which people you should avoid and you need to know how to avoid the pitfalls that may thwart you and get in your way. However I can't impose myself on you, only you can make the decision to accept my help.

If you want me to provide all the information you need, then we need to act quickly Lim. You must be ready in time. I need to spend longer on your analysis and I need to pinpoint all the important dates of this Transit, to be able to tell you when and how you need to act, why and when you can expect the results you need in your life. I must work in detail on your case and so I have set up a page for you which you can use to send me your authorization and to give me the green light. On this page I also tell you in detail exactly everything which I will work on for you. As soon as I get your go-ahead on this page then I will get straight to work:

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Horoscrope 2011 PART 4

I'll even go further and say that these insights that you had led you to me and to my website (you could have come across a completely different astrologer and I am not the only one qualified to guide you but I appreciate the confidence your subconscious had in me). I don't believe in luck Lim. Events occur because they are derived from a cause, and if you asked me for this personal analysis then it is precisely because you feel the need to know exactly WHAT WILL SOON HAPPEN TO YOU and what these changes are that, the changes you have recently had inklings about.

Lets get down to straight facts. The changes which your Transit will bring directly concern your financial situation and you will be able to :
get the job which you have been expecting and
And they will also have an impact on your love-life, you will :
make an important move in your love life
But that's not all, you can also expect a number of other changes. You'll rally to cause which you find intensely satisfying and fulfilling and, as I have already mentioned, I also foresee the completion of a project which has been on hold for a number of financial reasons and for a lack of opportunity. This Transit is also a time when you will meet many new people and these encounters will eventually lead to new opportunities to travel abroad, the year 2011 will certainly make you more internationally mobile!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Horoscrope 2011 PART 3

I can very clearly see the intervention of a certain individual who has slowed you down and prevented you from moving on in your life. Again there is nothing irreversible, it is simply very important that you make the most of the Transit which is set to occur in just a few weeks times to remove these blockages. The visions that I had on this subject are very clear and they show that you will soon reach a positive turning point in your life, which is why I'm so pleased to be able to give you the exciting news I have for you. Before leaving the subject of these visions about you Lim, I want to tell you that I felt a lot of very positive things about your personality and your character, you have great qualities and I am proud that you accept to trust me because you are a very good person Lim.

You may be wondering about these visions Lim. So let me just take a minute to explain them. You should know that these visions are entirely rational, there is nothing supernatural or mystic about them, on the contrary it is something very natural, since they represent an exchange of energy. In Nature everything is an exchange of energy, either physical and tangible or intangible as this particular case. It is not because we cannot see these cosmic waves that they they do not exist, we can't see radio, telephone, electricity or television signals either. Cosmic waves are a source of energy, the most powerful energy that exists, we call them how we like; cosmic waves, astral fluids, 6th sense, premonitions, insights... No matter how they are called, they exist and the animals are born knowing how to use them. We lost this ability and the work of professional like me is to learn a control the interpretation of these energies over years of hard work and experience. We are all born with different innate capacities and certain of us are more sensitive to these forces and I am fortunate to have been born with strengths which I have built on.

You know what? I think you also have certain capabilities in this area Lim and I'd love to help you to develop these capacities if you wish. At the moment you are tuning in to these forces unconsciously, without really being able to explain what you feel. For example you know that changes will soon happen in your life, you do not know what when or how but you feel that things will change soon and you also feel that a very precise and important event will happen. You're quite right about these events, events which will directly concern your love life and financial situation. These events are set to occur during the Transit that I have told you about (I will go into a little more detail about this Transit in just a couple of minutes...)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Horoscrope 2011 PART 2

Before providing you with any details about your future, I want to tell you how I worked on our analysis because I am used to being very accurate in my predictions and do not take my work lightly. I worked from your date of birth, 25 December 1952, your astrological sign, Capricorn (which is set to be on 2011's honors list!) and because you are Capricorn I also used your principal Decan 1st decan. These elements have enabled me to draw you a map of your astral sky Lim, which is totally unique and very personal.

I also took into consideration the epistemological origins of your first name Lim because this provides additional information about your character, as you should know that your first name was not chosen entirely by chance. It enabled me to complete your analysis with a Numerological analysis. As a matter of fact, your first name is composed of 3 letters and this enables me to combine your date of birth 25 December 1952 and Zodiac sign Capricorn to learn a lot about you from a numerological perspective.

I guided my work and my research using the waves, vibrations and insightful flashes that I felt when I started your analysis. It allowed me to determine the precise direction that I should work in and it was these 'flashes' which prompted me to analyze your past because I perceived that you have a number of personal blockages Lim. I realized that something had happened to you around the year 1969 when you were 17 or 18 years old that created the stumbling blocks that you encountered later in your life and you still suffer the consequences today. Rest assured that these blockages are not irreversible, you'll be able to get rid of them and we'll work towards that together. The visions and vibrations I felt about you Lim also showed me that you are now in a phase of indecision, you have a number of choices available to you concerning the recent difficulties you have encountered and it is time for you to come to terms with this and make the right decision.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Horoscrope 2011

Hello Lim,

Jenna here, your professional astrologer. I'm contacting you today because I have some very important news about your astrological configuration. As you know, I often take the time to look over my client's configurations so that I am able to send out these kind of alerts as and when I can. And this is what I am now going to do for you today Lim. I have found a number of very important dates in your astrological configuration and so I have worked on this detailed summary of your Year 2011. I also go into a little detail about 2012, simply because I know that we all have this year on our minds and we all know that 2012 is likely to represent a powerful turning point in our lives. I think that it is important to talk about this year and set the record straight on a number of different points, because we can often get the wrong idea about this year which as been widely identified as 'the end of the world'. But more about this later!

Before going any further to tell you about what I have discovered about your year 2011, first of all let me say that I am delighted to be able to accompany you during this year 2011 because I know that this year is going to be very productive and rich with opportunities for you. And I will now explain why this will be so.

I have many things to tell you about, the most important of which is a major Transit (a rare planetary motion) that will occur in your astral sky between the months of March, April and May 2011. The Transit which you will live through will bring significant changes to your life, and I might even say radical changes. This Transit will be a very favorable period and will have many positive repercussions notably as far as your love life is concerned but also from a material point of view and for the realization of a project that you have had in mind for a long time now. In what follows I will give you all the details about this Transit early in 2011, I will also discuss the rest of your year 2011 and the year 2012. I will also study your personality and your Past, giving you details which only you could have known about yourself. Finally I will talk about the exciting events which will occur early in 2011, which is important for you because you are going to meet a person who will play a very important role in your life.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

For an exciting seven years

On March 11, Uranus will make a monumental shift into Aries, where it will remain for seven years after having resided in Pisces for the last seven years. Stubbornness, chaos, adventure and experimentation -- as well as a craving for something new and unique -- will all be the name of the game!

Uranus will help you release the past and move confidently into the future, but the more completely in tune you are with your personality, the easier and more successful the transition will be. This is an impulsive planet that loves out-of-the-box thinking, new technologies and freedom of expression.
Aries is a sign of action that can take Uranian ideals and make them a reality. While both are extremely stubborn -- a characteristic that makes compromise nearly impossible -- Uranus is also quite tolerant. You may not agree with people who aren't doing something your way, but you'll at least be willing to let them continue ... as long as they don't interfere with whatever you're trying to do!
When Uranus was in Pisces, there was quite a bit of confusion and a general misunderstanding about what was happening below the surface. Once in Aries, Uranus will bring more clarity, and you'll discover the courage to act without fear of consequences. Keep in mind, however, that practicality and foresight might present issues, and if you act without any thought at all, catastrophe could soon follow.
Will chaos reign? Perhaps. Are we in for an exciting seven years? Definitely!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


March 9 and 10 may leave you feeling like a child on a sugar high as you bounce off the walls and leave people wondering what's gotten into you. But all the while, you'll be having lots of fun!

March 9 will begin with zippy, talkative Mercury skipping up to Uranus, the planet of sudden inspiration. You'll feel hyper-energized, with a fountain of ideas pouring into -- and out of -- your head. With absent-minded Uranus in the game, you'll forget things as quickly as they come to you, so be sure to have a notepad handy for jotting down ideas! Slowing down, noticing details and offering time for feedback will prove difficult right now; you'll become bored easily, and hiding this could be tough.
Also on March 9, Mercury will move into in-your-face Aries, where it will remain until May 15. And particularly on the first day of this placement, you'll be tempted to spout your opinions strongly!
Fortunately, the stars don't want you to burn any bridges. After you've had your fun telling the world how you feel about almost everything, Venus and Jupiter will pair up on March 10. This combo offers just the right amount of friendliness and charm to smooth over any feathers that had been ruffled the previous day. Indeed, these two planets work hard to avoid all things unpleasant, so now you'll be able to put your worries aside and enjoy a couple days of upbeat fun!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


February kicks off with a bang as seven planets - yes, seven! - vie for your attention. Venus, Neptune, Uranus, the Moon, the Sun, Mars and Saturn all want to remind you of their existence, and they only have four days to do so. Get ready for a whirlwind!

The action begins February 2, when romantic Venus links up with dreamy Neptune to bring you a few moments of pure bliss. Enjoy them while you can, though, because just as quickly, the mood will change once Venus saddles up to Uranus in a pairing that prefers freedom and flirtation to closeness.
Then, overnight and into February 3, the Sun will pair up with the Aquarius Moon, a transit indicating that it's time to get your heart and head moving in the same direction. This New Moon will demand that you totally focus your energy and determination if you want the results you're after!
The following day, Mars steps up to the Sun in Aquarius, and Venus transitions into Capricorn. Mars will encourage stubbornness and avoid compromise; Venus, meanwhile, will require some level of achievement in order to be happy, and life will become all about sophistication. These sentiments will continue until Saturn enters the mix on February 6, bringing a sense of balance. More specifically, Saturn will act to temper Mars' influence, while enhancing that of Venus.
The key rules for the week? Play hard … and work even harder. Don't let trivial stuff get to you. Focus on the big picture and channel your energy into constructive projects. With Venus around, spending some extra time on yourself could have more desirable - and romantic - results than you may have originally expected

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Capricorn Sun.

Between January 17-20, the Sun will take us on a gentle roller coaster ride, shining its light upon three exciting planets before finally moving into a new sign. This won't be a scary, loop-de-loop ride, but rather an enjoyable trip - with a few ups and downs thrown in to remind us that life is still chugging along with all its challenges and rewards.

But is it possible to manage something extraordinary during this time? You bet it is!
The first spotlight from the Capricorn Sun will light up Uranus in Pisces on January 17. The effects may not be obvious, but if you pay attention, you'll find that a new opportunity will subtly present itself. Reach out and grab it the second you recognize it! Gambles are common with Uranus, and while this transit is no exception, don't let any risks stop you - Uranus is here to keep you on your toes, since that's the only way you can move forward! Grasp this opportunity to help ensure that your future remains fresh and vital.
The full Moon in Cancer will move into the light on January 19, when you'll find yourself caught between a rock and a hard place. On one side, you have an emotional Cancer Moon; on the other side sits the stern, practical Capricorn Sun. What you want to do will be at odds with what you ought to do, but this doesn't mean you have to choose one or the other. Rather, the full Moon wants you to find a balance. If all goes well, things will begin bumpily before ending on a beautiful plateau once you figure out how to embody the best of both worlds.
Overnight and into January 20, the Sun will shower Jupiter with its rays, filling you with a warm glow of satisfaction. Jupiter loves to make you feel good about yourself. You may be tempted to just bask in the charming laziness of the day, but if you put forth a little effort and muster some self-discipline, the benefits of this planetary meeting can last a lot longer.
Finally, January 20 will also see the Sun transitioning from Capricorn to Aquarius, where it will reside for the next four weeks. The general mood during this time will be innovative, curious, creative and sometimes stubborn. But since Aquarius is a tolerant sign, it will be possible to work together toward major accomplishments; in fact, group activities are encouraged! Spend time with friends who share your outlook, or join a new group offering similar activities to those you enjoy - whether it's a book club, running team or political group, you need to connect with others and make a difference.
The Sun's transits over these next few days aren't anything extreme, nor will you face any major obstacles or successes as a result. Rather, you will experience a perfect 'slice of life,' with all the normal peaks and valleys that come with being human..

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Forever friend

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