Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Horoscrope 2011

Hello Lim,

Jenna here, your professional astrologer. I'm contacting you today because I have some very important news about your astrological configuration. As you know, I often take the time to look over my client's configurations so that I am able to send out these kind of alerts as and when I can. And this is what I am now going to do for you today Lim. I have found a number of very important dates in your astrological configuration and so I have worked on this detailed summary of your Year 2011. I also go into a little detail about 2012, simply because I know that we all have this year on our minds and we all know that 2012 is likely to represent a powerful turning point in our lives. I think that it is important to talk about this year and set the record straight on a number of different points, because we can often get the wrong idea about this year which as been widely identified as 'the end of the world'. But more about this later!

Before going any further to tell you about what I have discovered about your year 2011, first of all let me say that I am delighted to be able to accompany you during this year 2011 because I know that this year is going to be very productive and rich with opportunities for you. And I will now explain why this will be so.

I have many things to tell you about, the most important of which is a major Transit (a rare planetary motion) that will occur in your astral sky between the months of March, April and May 2011. The Transit which you will live through will bring significant changes to your life, and I might even say radical changes. This Transit will be a very favorable period and will have many positive repercussions notably as far as your love life is concerned but also from a material point of view and for the realization of a project that you have had in mind for a long time now. In what follows I will give you all the details about this Transit early in 2011, I will also discuss the rest of your year 2011 and the year 2012. I will also study your personality and your Past, giving you details which only you could have known about yourself. Finally I will talk about the exciting events which will occur early in 2011, which is important for you because you are going to meet a person who will play a very important role in your life.

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