Saturday, March 19, 2011

Horoscrope 2011 PART 4

I'll even go further and say that these insights that you had led you to me and to my website (you could have come across a completely different astrologer and I am not the only one qualified to guide you but I appreciate the confidence your subconscious had in me). I don't believe in luck Lim. Events occur because they are derived from a cause, and if you asked me for this personal analysis then it is precisely because you feel the need to know exactly WHAT WILL SOON HAPPEN TO YOU and what these changes are that, the changes you have recently had inklings about.

Lets get down to straight facts. The changes which your Transit will bring directly concern your financial situation and you will be able to :
get the job which you have been expecting and
And they will also have an impact on your love-life, you will :
make an important move in your love life
But that's not all, you can also expect a number of other changes. You'll rally to cause which you find intensely satisfying and fulfilling and, as I have already mentioned, I also foresee the completion of a project which has been on hold for a number of financial reasons and for a lack of opportunity. This Transit is also a time when you will meet many new people and these encounters will eventually lead to new opportunities to travel abroad, the year 2011 will certainly make you more internationally mobile!

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