Monday, February 7, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


February kicks off with a bang as seven planets - yes, seven! - vie for your attention. Venus, Neptune, Uranus, the Moon, the Sun, Mars and Saturn all want to remind you of their existence, and they only have four days to do so. Get ready for a whirlwind!

The action begins February 2, when romantic Venus links up with dreamy Neptune to bring you a few moments of pure bliss. Enjoy them while you can, though, because just as quickly, the mood will change once Venus saddles up to Uranus in a pairing that prefers freedom and flirtation to closeness.
Then, overnight and into February 3, the Sun will pair up with the Aquarius Moon, a transit indicating that it's time to get your heart and head moving in the same direction. This New Moon will demand that you totally focus your energy and determination if you want the results you're after!
The following day, Mars steps up to the Sun in Aquarius, and Venus transitions into Capricorn. Mars will encourage stubbornness and avoid compromise; Venus, meanwhile, will require some level of achievement in order to be happy, and life will become all about sophistication. These sentiments will continue until Saturn enters the mix on February 6, bringing a sense of balance. More specifically, Saturn will act to temper Mars' influence, while enhancing that of Venus.
The key rules for the week? Play hard … and work even harder. Don't let trivial stuff get to you. Focus on the big picture and channel your energy into constructive projects. With Venus around, spending some extra time on yourself could have more desirable - and romantic - results than you may have originally expected