Tuesday, May 31, 2011


With summer's kick-off month starting witha solar eclipse in Gemini, then ending with theenergies of yet another solar eclipse building up, you'rein for high-energy action all throughout June!
On June 1, Gemini hosts a solar eclipse, anevent that will heighten your sense of anticipation and provide an opportunity for personal growth. If you're setin your ways, this can be unnerving, but just remember that it's nothing more than a nudge fromthe Universe to awaken your potential.
Immediately afterward, on June 2, chatty Mercury becomes even more communicative as it moves into gabby Gemini. Then, on June 4, expansive Jupiter makes a major move from Aries into money-focused Taurus, bringing you good news on the financial front. Finally, June 11 brings fun and frivolity as flirty Venus joins the Sun and Mercuryin light-hearted Gemini.
A lunar eclipse on June 15 emphasizes balance, balance, balance. If you findyourself struggling, there's probably an imbalance somewhere: a strong relationship needs independence; grand ideas are useless without the details; a career isn't satisfying if you can't escape on occasion.
The action continues on June16, when active Mercury moves into emotional Cancer. Marsthen revs its engines on June 20, charging out of Taurus and into up beat Gemini for spirited debate and an exciting - albeit possibly stressful -- exchange of ideas. Then on June 21, the day of the Summer Solstice, the Sun moves into Cancer, atwhich point home and family becomes the main focus.
Get ready for the Sun to send you on a bit of a roller coaster rideas June comes to a close. Good news isimminent on June 25 as the Sun pairs up with Jupiter; on June 28, however, the Sun runsinto disruptive Uranus before standing in opposition to powerful Pluto later that same day. Of course, all this activity leads up to another solar eclipse at the start of July, so don't be surprised if things turn out quite differently than you planned!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


周三, 2011年4月25日 -- Your methodical approach to work may not be as effective as you wish today, and this could annoy you so much that you grow angry. It takes a lot to knock you off track, yet now the little things pile up until they seem like a crisis. It's more important to build a stable foundation on which to stand than trying to reach your goals overnight. Don't get distracted by your fear of failure; instead, just pay attention to the ground beneath your feet and the task right in front of you.

AstroSync 摩羯座

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24

May 24 will see the stimulating Gemini Sun shine a soft, gentle light on Uranus in active Aries. With change coming so easily, this transit will present an ideal opportunity to try something completely new!

Uranus is associated with innovation, rebellion and change. It can make life dramatic and difficult, but it can also shake things up, helping you kick out anything old and stale as you welcome new beginnings.

There are varying levels at which Uranus may wield its influence, and this depends on the other planets involved and how they're positioned in the sky. Fortunately in this case, the Sun is forming a very pleasant alignment with Uranus. You won't feel any radical changes imposed upon you ... but it you pay close attention, you'll notice some new doors cracking open for you.

Uranus can come completely out of left field, so your new vehicle for change may not be obvious right away. But once you figure it out, be sure to take advantage of opportunities presented to you. You're sure to be thrilled with the results!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

May 20

If you've felt indecisive lately, it's time to get down to business. Mars, Mercury and Venus are about to form an alignment with Pluto that's sure to light a fire under you!

On May 20, Mars will be the first to nod toward Pluto as you shift into a more pro-active gear. While Mars wants to dash forward impulsively, Pluto will slow you down and add depth and purpose to your endeavors. You'll gain insight into the root causes of your current situation.

Later that same day, Mercury joins Mars and Pluto, giving you persuasive power to help others understand your perspective. Discussions could turn intense -- with a sprinkling of self-righteous tendencies -- but if you can fight off the urge to have the last word, real answers will emerge to your questions and problems.

After practical matters are taken care of, romantic Venus will cozy up to Mercury and Mars on May 21, and blow a kiss to Pluto as well. At the very least, this is a terrific time to go out, be social and flirt your heart out; at best, it's a time of genuine passion and romance.

Also on May 21, the Sun moves out of Taurus and into bright, restless Gemini. Gemini prefers things to be fun and lighthearted, so you'll feel tempted to dip your toe into every opportunity that arises. Still, it's unlikely that you'll dive in too deeply.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 15

Over the next few days, Mercury and Venus will align to offer both sensuality and pragmatism -- an unusual combination, perhaps, but one that's sure to make your life that much more comfortable, enjoyable ... and romantic!

On May 15, both Mercury and Venus will move into Taurus, where they will remain until June 2 and 9, respectively. While Taurus is very practical, it also loves to be pampered and is always enamored with all things sensual. Combined with Venus, the planet of romance and beauty, not only will you be in for more sensual date nights, but you couldn't ask for a better time for a total makeover, either for yourself or your home -- or both!
While all this is going on, Mercury will help keep ideas and conversations firmly rooted in reality - no pie-in-the-sky dreams, only common-sense plans.

May 16 will see Mercury and Venus join in Taurus, where they will form a pleasant alignment with Neptune. You'll feel a bit dreamier than usual, and you'll likely experience moments here and there of near-bliss!
On May 17, however, the Full Moon in Scorpio will leave you more emotional, with hints of seduction and jealousy to contend with. It's best at this time to focus on areas where you and your partner are sure to see eye-to-eye; try to push everything else aside for another, calmer day.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Water Serpent month

The new Moon on Monday May 2 (11:51 PM PDT) began the month of the Water Serpent. Now is the opportunity to shed your winter skin and be transformed! The Serpent is a universal symbol of healing and rebirth. As the Serpent sheds its skin, it is reborn.

Please do not be afraid of Serpent! Serpent embodies mystery and magic, and has a place of honor in many world traditions. In Chinese astrology, Serpent is the sign of wisdom, healing, and creativity.
This Water Serpent month of May 2011 is time to shed your skin and experience the beauty of nature in springtime. Due to the Water element, it is easier to tune into your emotions, feel deeply, and to appreciate family, friends, and loved ones.
Water attributes are to be in touch with emotions, have powerful intuition, and be highly sensitivity -- yet stay strong regardless of obstacles in the path. Water is a yin feminine element, but feminine energy is not considered weak in Chinese astrology. Instead, Water is the most powerful element because it can move around any obstacle in its path without losing its essentail nature. Water can, in time, dissolve the hardest mountains.
This merry month of May is also time for personal creativity. The artists of the Chinese zodiac are Serpent, Sheep, and Hare. So this Serpent month during Hare year is the time to try your hand at creative endeavors. Luck is with you to be reborn, transformed, and to create a new you!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

May 9

Frivolity and fun are the name of the game these next few days! Don't even think about worrying about deeper issues -- the stars have aligned to give you a break from all things serious.

On May 9, Mercury will give Venus a big hug, and your world will erupt in harmony. Your goal will be to keep the peace, and you'll succeed at smoothing anything over with a well-worded compliment. Then, on May 11, Jupiter joins in the group hug, bringing luck and enthusiasm your way!

Mercury and Jupiter will liven up your conversations, add confidence to your opinions, and give you the optimism to believe you can do anything. You may promise to do just about anything too, which is unrealistic, but because your promise was made with good intentions, no one will mind.

Meanwhile, Venus and Jupiter just want to get out there and socialize with as many people as possible. This tends to be a more superficial transit, so while nothing earth-shattering is likely to occur, you should have a lot of fun.

Helping to keep you grounded, Mars will move from Aries into Taurus, also on May 11. Mars in Taurus will help you gain control of your finances and other practical matters. You may be a bit slower in coming to a final decision, but when you make your decision, it will most definitely be final.

Monday, May 2, 2011

May 1

After the emotional roller coaster ride that was April, the exuberance of May 1 will make you feel as if you can fly. In fact, you'll soar to reach your highest heights and achieve your greatest successes!

On May 1, courageous Mars and fortunate Jupiter will meet in energetic Aries, an alignment rife with astronomical opportunity. You'll feel confident and driven, and if there were ever a time to get something done, this is it!

In fact, the only thing you'll need to worry about is not allowing yourself to go overboard promoting your favorite causes. Yes, it's important to state your case and do what's necessary to get the job done; there's no need to step on toes, however. Practice a little caution and common sense, and you'll probably receive even more support in your current projects.

Two days later, on May 3, the new Moon will rise in earthy and practical Taurus. You'll want to take some time to figure out exactly what your next move will be, and then plan it carefully. Taurus can be extravagant, but it also values comfort and security -- so if you have an urge to indulge yourself, go for it! You'll be able to stay within your means.

Interested in learning more about how these transiting planets will impact you on an individual level? Try our Planetary Influence Profile to learn more about how the continuous movements of the planets affect who you are and how you relate to others.