Saturday, March 26, 2011

March 26

From romance to ruts to retrogrades, the planets are aligning to end March with a whirlwind of emotions!

The activity begins on March 26 as sensual Venus couples with dreamy Neptune. You couldn't ask for a better alignment for a special date night! Later that same evening, Venus ends its current affair in Aquarius to sneak off and spend a month in poetic Pisces.

This pair of transits could create the kind of love usually saved for storybooks. Try to keep your feet on the ground, though -- illusion will run rampant, and you won't want to be hurt once reality regains control.

You'll especially want to be grounded on March 28, when the Sun squares off with Pluto and Jupiter moves to oppose Saturn. If you've felt stuck in a rut recently, that's because Pluto and the Sun have been building up some sticky energies. These transits can work in your favor, but not without some hard work and persistence on your part. Meanwhile, expansive Jupiter and restrictive Saturn can make it seem impossible to strike a balance, so you'll need some fancy footwork to act responsibly while going to extremes.

Finally, March 30 brings us Mercury retrograde, which lasts until April 23; you can expect the usual communication and technology-related problems during this time. Remaining patient with Mercury retrograde in on-the-go Aries will be challenging, but nothing that a few deep breaths can't fix.

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