Friday, March 18, 2011

Horoscrope 2011 PART 3

I can very clearly see the intervention of a certain individual who has slowed you down and prevented you from moving on in your life. Again there is nothing irreversible, it is simply very important that you make the most of the Transit which is set to occur in just a few weeks times to remove these blockages. The visions that I had on this subject are very clear and they show that you will soon reach a positive turning point in your life, which is why I'm so pleased to be able to give you the exciting news I have for you. Before leaving the subject of these visions about you Lim, I want to tell you that I felt a lot of very positive things about your personality and your character, you have great qualities and I am proud that you accept to trust me because you are a very good person Lim.

You may be wondering about these visions Lim. So let me just take a minute to explain them. You should know that these visions are entirely rational, there is nothing supernatural or mystic about them, on the contrary it is something very natural, since they represent an exchange of energy. In Nature everything is an exchange of energy, either physical and tangible or intangible as this particular case. It is not because we cannot see these cosmic waves that they they do not exist, we can't see radio, telephone, electricity or television signals either. Cosmic waves are a source of energy, the most powerful energy that exists, we call them how we like; cosmic waves, astral fluids, 6th sense, premonitions, insights... No matter how they are called, they exist and the animals are born knowing how to use them. We lost this ability and the work of professional like me is to learn a control the interpretation of these energies over years of hard work and experience. We are all born with different innate capacities and certain of us are more sensitive to these forces and I am fortunate to have been born with strengths which I have built on.

You know what? I think you also have certain capabilities in this area Lim and I'd love to help you to develop these capacities if you wish. At the moment you are tuning in to these forces unconsciously, without really being able to explain what you feel. For example you know that changes will soon happen in your life, you do not know what when or how but you feel that things will change soon and you also feel that a very precise and important event will happen. You're quite right about these events, events which will directly concern your love life and financial situation. These events are set to occur during the Transit that I have told you about (I will go into a little more detail about this Transit in just a couple of minutes...)

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