Sunday, December 13, 2009

Life's like a toilet bowl

During good times it works perfectly no matter what it receives.
During bad times it gets stuck easily even with just a bit of load,
The clog on most occasions could be cleared with a toilet plunger,
Yet at times,the clog remains after laborious pumping,
There is nothing one can do but to leave it clogged,
Then , to one's pleasant surprise the blockage cleared away with just a flush.
Life-simplified-is just like the working of the toilet bowl.
When things are good. you welcomed challenges and take stress in your stride,
When things do not flow smoothly, a small upset is painfully frustrating.
Sometimes obstacles could be overcome with human effort.
Yet at times, nothing can save the situation.
What can one do but to face life stoically and observe the passing of time,
One fine day, life becomes good again just like the toilet bowl

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